Monday, November 25, 2019

Don Mahony

Class, once again I am saddened to report the passing of another classmate - Don Mahony. I met with Don a few years ago and it was great to get caught up with him. Unfortunately, Don had heart problems and finally succumbed on Saturday November 23rd.  Our condolences to Nancy and Don's family.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

50th Reunion Pictures

Here are some great pictures from the reunion taken by Don. Thanks

 Doug Venn
Bob Lewis-Watts

Bob Shute

Sadik Dobra

Bob Birk

Keith Oussoren

Horst Benoit

Novak Bajin

Paul Silverthorne

Bob Craig

Ken Severs

Attila Soti

Ken Edwards

John Hadden

Terry Mandzy

Walter Gebhart

Marie Day

Ray Barker

Jim Hutchinson

David Cramton

Martin Peros

Doug Lambe

Larry Mcfarlane

Bob Fice

Don Day

Roop Mone

Class, I am once again saddened to have to report the passing of another member of our Mechanical 6T9 class, Roop Mone on October 31, 2019. Thanks Marie for finding this for us. Our condolences go out to Roop's family.