Thursday, June 6, 2024

55 Year Reunion

It was wonderful to have had such a great turnout for our 55 year reunion event on June 2, 2024 at the Duke of York Pub in Yorkville . We had 19 attendees. Many thanks to Marie for arranging such fine weather and Bob Craig for making the reservations at the Duke of York.

Please mark your calendars for June 2, 2029 for our 60 year reunion.  

Location TBD.


Here are some photos from this year's event.

                                Attila Soti                                                             Tricia Soti

Bob Craig

Bob Fice

Bob Lewis-Watts

Bob Craig, Mladen Peros and Ken Severs

Dave Cramton
Lois Cramton

Don Day

Marie Day
Walter Gebhart

Ray Barker

Nancy Barker
Martin Peros

Jim Hutchinson

John Hood

Ken Edwards

Ken Severs

Larry McFarlane

Ray and Nancy Barker



In addition, we had a surprise guest show up. It was none other than Holly from Detroit. She recognized Martin in the crowd and asked him about others from the class. Martin however was as discreet as ever and mentioned something about privacy, security and class-incrimination. No further identities were revealed.

Also, Bob Craig revealed a much better class photo from Detroit that does deserve re-publishing. Do you recognize everyone?  For more pictures from Detroit, check BLOG date June 2014.

Hope to see you all again on June 2, 2029.