Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Archive Shots

Many thanks to Abe Iskander for the following great shots.

Okay, here goes:

Front row: Horst Benoit, Novak Bajin, Marie Day, Ray Barker, Bob Lewis-Watts, Jim Hutchinson, Jaan Saber, Emmanual Obguefi
Second Row: CC Tang, Ken Brown (with back turned), Mladen Peros, Don Day, Dave Cramton, Ken Severs, Alan Chandler, Bob Fice, Bob Craig, Don Mahony, Wally Gebhart
Third Row: Henry Reese, Bill Asmuth, Eric Fleming, Terry Mandzy, Pete Truman, Brian Ralph, Doug Ketchen, Alex Dickie, Larry McFarlane, Doug Lambe
Fourth Row: George Clark, John Hadden, Steve Phin, Wally Turylo
Back row: Yung Man Li, Dave Gregory, unknown, Doug Venn, Bob Birk, John Hood, Alan Tyrrell, Paul Silverthorne, Bob Shute, Abe Iskander

Front row: Greg Kawall, Brian Ralph, Pete Truman, Ray Barker, Wally Turylo, Bill Asmuth, Horst Benoit, Abe Iskander, Jaan Saber, Larry McFarlane, Emmanual Obguefi, Bob Craig
Second Row: CC Tang, Alex Dickie, Don Day, Marie Day, Doug Lambe, John Hood, Steve Phin
Third Row: Keith Oussoren, Alan Tyrrell, Wayne Witbeck, Bob Lewis-Watts, Dave Cramton
Fourth Row: Jim Hutchinson, Ken Brown, Doug Ketchen, Bob Birk, Bob Fice, Wally Gebhart, Terry Mandzy, Dave Gregory, Yung Man Li
Fifth Row: Attila Soti, John Hadden, Doug Venn, Novak Bajin

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sadik Dobra

Here is an update from our good friend Sadik Dobra.

Since I last saw you guys, I've been in LA, Toronto, BC, LA, Mexico, Spain, Morocco, San Francisco, Turkey, Baghdad, Europe, BC, DC, and the last 25 years in Vancouver. Have an older daughter near Seattle and the younger in Toronto.

Curiously and coincidentally, I also worked at the IBM Lab in Don Mills circa 1972-75 ish.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Class Reunion - 1999

Our 30 year reunion was held at the Brunswick House on June 5th, 1999 until such time as the young kids arrived (ie. under 40) and us old folks could no longer hear each other. So off we went to a coffee house down Bloor Street to wind up the evening.

Class Reunion - 1994

Our 25 year reunion was held at Hart House on June 3, 1994.

These photos are courtesy of Doug Ketchen.

Back row: Doug Grace, Doug Ketchen, Bob Craig, Abe Iskander, Ken Edwards,
Bob Lewis-Watts, Bob Birk, Ray Barker, Jamie Thorogood, Wally Turylo,
Wayne Witbeck, Walter Gebhart.
Front row: Bob Fice, Dave Gregory, John Hood, Bill Asmuth

Doug Grace, Bob Birk, Barbara Ketchen

At the table: Ray Barker, Dave Gregory and Bill Asmuth
In the background: Wally Gebhart, Bob Lewis-Watts and John Hood
At the bar (as usual): Bob Fice

Wally Gebhart and Wayne Witbeck

Abe Iskander

Bob Fice, Wally Gebhart, John Hood and Bob Lewis-Watts

Wally Turylo

Barbara Ketchen and Bill Asmuth

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wayne Witbeck

I am saddened to report the passing of Wayne Witbeck. Here was the "In Memorium" information I received from Marie.

The association has received with regret notification of the deaths of the following
members (as of October 2007):

WITBECK, Wayne Olney
Bracebridge, ON


William Asmuth

I am sad to report the passing of young Bill in 2002.

Emmanuel Ogbuefi

I am sad to report the passing of Emmanuel Obguefi in 2002. I received this touching note from his daughter in England.
02/12/2004 04:13 AM

To: Bob Birk/Markham/IBM@IBMCA

Subject: Fwd: Re: 35th Skule Reunion

I am the daughter of late Emma Ogbuefi, an alumunus of the great University of Toronto. I know daddy would have been pleased to be part of you but unfortunately he has been late since two years ago.

Thanks for your correspondences. You guys should have all the fun while you still can.


Aaron Jaan Saber

I post this item in memory of our former 6T9 classmate and collegue Aaron Jaan Saber.

On August 24, 1992, the hallways of the ninth floor of the Hall building at Concordia University were chaos as engineering professor Valery Fabrikant, angered by thoughts of conspiracy and intellectual theft, took one of four shotguns from his briefcase and chased his colleagues, killing three people, injured another and took two people hostage. A fourth professor died a month later in hospital.

At 2:30 p.m. on Aug. 24, Fabrikant was out to settle some unfinished business. He walked into his office where he was to meet with Michael Hogben and shot him three times with his .38-calibre pistol fired at short range into his head, throat and back. Hogben’s colleague, Aaron Jaan Saber, called from across the hall, worried. Fabrikant crossed the hallway and shot him twice, once in the head and once in the side.

Police charged Valery Fabrikant, a 52- year-old Soviet-trained associate professor of engineering with impressive credentials and a long history of aberrant behavior, with murdering Douglass and Hogben, and with the attempted murder of Saber, who died the next day.

None of the professors murdered had been initial targets for Fabrikant—rather, they had been victims of his terrible rage against the university. Fabrikant was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison, with no possibility of parole until 2014.

Class Reunion - 2004

Our 35 year reunion was held at The Crooked Cue in Etobicoke on Saturday June 5th, 2004. Here are some pictures from that event.

Ray Barker, Jim Hutchinson, Barbara Ketchen

Doug Ketchen

Wally Gebhart

Bob Birk

Dave Gregory, Ken Edwards, Wally Gebhart and Ray Barker

Bob Craig, Jim Hutchinson and Horst Benoit

Marie and Don Day

Barbara and Doug Ketchen

Class Reunion - 2009

Here are several pictures from the 40th year reunion held in the Galbraith Building at the University on Saturday May 30, 2009.

Thanks to Marie Day and Dave & Lois Cramton for the contributions.

Bob Birk and Bob Fice
(what a prosperous looking pair of fellows!)

Dave Cramton and Bob Lewis-Watts
(look how young they are!!!)

Bob Craig and Dave Cramton
(great tie Dave!!!)

Novak Bajin and Wally Gebhart

Jim Hutchinson and Lois Cramton
(Jim, you were always so smooth with the ladies)

Wally Gebhart and Marie Day

Jim Hutchinson, Bob Craig and Lois Cramton

Terry Mandzy and Attila Soti

Doug Ketchen
(Our Patriarch !!!)

The Patriarch and his beautiful bride Barbara

Bob Fice, Jim Hutchinson and Dave Cramton

Bob Craig, Marie Day and Lois Cramton

Marie and Don Day, Lois and Dave Cramton

Lois Cramton and Bob Birk
(Jim, you aren't the only one charming the ladies!)

Marie Day

Doug Ketchen and Terry Mandzy

Wally Gebhart, Bob Craig, Novak Bajin, Dave Cramton and Bob Lewis-Watts

Dave Cramton, Bob Fice in deep thought trying to remember Holly's name!
(or else they both have indigestion!)

Abe Iskander and Bob Lewis-Watts
(They have remembered Holly's name!)

Wally Gebhart and Bob Birk
(The dynamic duo!!!)

Jim Hutchinson and Bob Craig
(They are just trying to remember something!)

Novak Bajin, Wally Gebhart and Horst Benoit
(discussing the finer qualities of Wally's beer)