Thursday, June 25, 2009

Class Reunion - 2009

Here are several pictures from the 40th year reunion held in the Galbraith Building at the University on Saturday May 30, 2009.

Thanks to Marie Day and Dave & Lois Cramton for the contributions.

Bob Birk and Bob Fice
(what a prosperous looking pair of fellows!)

Dave Cramton and Bob Lewis-Watts
(look how young they are!!!)

Bob Craig and Dave Cramton
(great tie Dave!!!)

Novak Bajin and Wally Gebhart

Jim Hutchinson and Lois Cramton
(Jim, you were always so smooth with the ladies)

Wally Gebhart and Marie Day

Jim Hutchinson, Bob Craig and Lois Cramton

Terry Mandzy and Attila Soti

Doug Ketchen
(Our Patriarch !!!)

The Patriarch and his beautiful bride Barbara

Bob Fice, Jim Hutchinson and Dave Cramton

Bob Craig, Marie Day and Lois Cramton

Marie and Don Day, Lois and Dave Cramton

Lois Cramton and Bob Birk
(Jim, you aren't the only one charming the ladies!)

Marie Day

Doug Ketchen and Terry Mandzy

Wally Gebhart, Bob Craig, Novak Bajin, Dave Cramton and Bob Lewis-Watts

Dave Cramton, Bob Fice in deep thought trying to remember Holly's name!
(or else they both have indigestion!)

Abe Iskander and Bob Lewis-Watts
(They have remembered Holly's name!)

Wally Gebhart and Bob Birk
(The dynamic duo!!!)

Jim Hutchinson and Bob Craig
(They are just trying to remember something!)

Novak Bajin, Wally Gebhart and Horst Benoit
(discussing the finer qualities of Wally's beer)

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