Friday, June 26, 2009

Class Reunion - 1994

Our 25 year reunion was held at Hart House on June 3, 1994.

These photos are courtesy of Doug Ketchen.

Back row: Doug Grace, Doug Ketchen, Bob Craig, Abe Iskander, Ken Edwards,
Bob Lewis-Watts, Bob Birk, Ray Barker, Jamie Thorogood, Wally Turylo,
Wayne Witbeck, Walter Gebhart.
Front row: Bob Fice, Dave Gregory, John Hood, Bill Asmuth

Doug Grace, Bob Birk, Barbara Ketchen

At the table: Ray Barker, Dave Gregory and Bill Asmuth
In the background: Wally Gebhart, Bob Lewis-Watts and John Hood
At the bar (as usual): Bob Fice

Wally Gebhart and Wayne Witbeck

Abe Iskander

Bob Fice, Wally Gebhart, John Hood and Bob Lewis-Watts

Wally Turylo

Barbara Ketchen and Bill Asmuth

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